What’s Virtual Digital Assets?

Virtual digital assets are assets that exist online, rather than in physical form. You can see them but not feel it, that’s why the word “Virtual Digital”.

World is up-grading, so it is the time to upgrade our investment portfolio as well.

For better foundation of personal finance, there is an opportunity to mix few digital assets with traditional investments like stocks, real estate and bonds; which will continue to be popular and substantial % of our investment portfolio’s, many early adopter investors are now diversifying their portfolios with new-age digital assets. 

Virtual Digital Assets vs Physical Assets: Understanding the Difference

Virtual digital assets and physical assets are two different types of assets with unique characteristics.


Physical assets are tangible assets that can be seen, touched, and held. Examples of physical assets include real estate, gold, and other valuable items.


On the other hand, digital assets are intangible assets that exist in digital form and can be stored, accessed, and transferred electronically. Examples of digital assets include cryptocurrencies, digital art, online music, and other forms of online content.


While physical assets have been the traditional choice for investors and businesses, the rise of digital assets has created new investment opportunities and opened up new markets.


Digital assets have the potential to reach a larger audience and create more significant value due to their global reach and flexibility.


However, digital assets also have unique risks and challenges, such as regulatory uncertainty and cybersecurity threats, which require careful consideration and digital asset management.

Top 5 Virtual Digital Assets

1. Domain Names:

Domain names are the addresses used to access websites.


Some domain names can be worth a significant amount of money, especially if they are short, easy to remember, or relate to a popular brand. Investing in domain names can be a great way to generate passive income or sell for a substantial profit.


Many people do this similar like regular stock trading.


For e.g. finxfactor.com is a domain name. The domain can be .com, .in, .io or .org etc.

Caution: 99.95% of domain in portfolio becomes null.

2. Social Media Accounts:

Social media accounts, especially those with a large following, can be valuable assets.

Influencers and brands are willing to pay significant sums of money for accounts with a large number of followers, as it allows them to reach a broader audience.

Investing in social media accounts can be a lucrative way to earn passive income.

For e.g. Scoopwoop Insta Handle, or meme pages in FB/Insta etc.

Caution: It requires lot of creative mindset and efforts for content; otherwise accounts gradually die.

3. E-courses/E-books/Music/Photos:

E-courses and e-books are digital products that can be sold repeatedly without incurring additional production costs.


Investing in the creation of an e-course or e-book can lead to a steady stream of income, especially if the content is valuable and in high demand.


For e.g Comic book for Kids, Guidebook on personal finance or photos for license sale etc.

Caution: Difficult to market as it has become too competitive. Requires good copywriting experience and artistic or creative talent.

4. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens):

NFTs are unique digital assets; which is difficult to understand but it’s an assets that are stored on a blockchain. They can represent anything from art to music to virtual real estate.


NFTs are becoming increasingly popular as collectors and investors seek out rare and valuable pieces.


They are easy to buy and sell on various online marketplaces, making them a great addition to any investment portfolio.

Caution: Could be the future but not clear yet. High risk investment.

5. Cryptocurrencies:

This you must have already heard by now; even if you are not a tech guy.


Cryptocurrencies is a form of digital currency, such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum, have gained significant attention in recent years due to their high volatility and potential for significant returns.


Many investors see cryptocurrencies as a hedge against inflation and a way to diversify their portfolios. While investing in cryptocurrencies comes with very significant risk, it can also lead to substantial rewards.


However, recently many cases has come out as Ponzi scheme and only few people gained from hype and common people have lost huge money.

Caution: Very High-risk investment. Not legalized or accepted in several countries worldwide.

Why Digital Assets Are Important: Benefits and Advantages

Digital assets are becoming increasingly important due to their flexibility, speed, and efficiency. One of the main advantages of digital assets is their global reach.


Digital assets can be accessed and traded globally, enabling businesses to reach a larger audience and create more significant value.


Moreover, digital assets provide a higher level of security than physical assets. Digital assets can be encrypted, making it difficult for hackers to access or steal them. On the other hand, physical assets are susceptible to theft, damage, or loss, making them a riskier investment.


Another advantage of digital assets is their speed and efficiency. Digital assets can be exchanged in real-time, reducing the time and costs associated with traditional asset transactions. This is especially important in industries such as finance and commerce, where time is a critical factor. Furthermore, digital assets are highly liquid, meaning they can be easily converted to cash or other assets, making them a more flexible investment option.

Best Practices for Digital Asset Management: Organizing and Protecting Your Digital Assets

Whether it’s digital or physical, organizing any things has more or less similar concepts and process.

Below is the list of best practice and steps you should do to manage your digital assets:

Create a list

A comprehensive inventory of digital assets will help organizations understand what assets they have, where they are located, and who has access to them.

Implement a digital asset management system:

A digital asset management system can help organizations organize, store, and manage their digital assets effectively.

Establish clear ownership and access rights:

Clear ownership and access rights help prevent unauthorized access to digital assets, which can result in loss or theft.

Develop a backup and recovery plan:

A backup and recovery plan ensures that digital assets can be recovered in the event of a data loss or system failure.

Research carefully, before concluding any digital asset investment:

In conclusion, new-age digital assets offer investors a range of opportunities to diversify their portfolios and generate significant returns.


While investing in digital assets do come with risks, it can also be a lucrative way to generate passive income and build wealth over time with proper diversification.


It’s essential to do your in-depth research and invest wisely, but with the right strategy, digital assets can be an excellent addition to your investment portfolio.


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