CRED Cash: Is it Right For You?

what is Cred Cash

What is CRED Cash? If you are using CRED App, then you will find an option in the app with a circle and some amount based on the your credit score with immediate access. Basically, CRED cash is a personal loan; which you can avail in less than 30 minutes directly credited in your bank … Read more

Highest Tax Payer State in India – MH

direct tax collection state wise

Highest tax payer in India contributes to the most of development of country. Direct taxes are taxes that are levied on the income or profits of individuals or organizations, such as income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax, etc.    Direct taxes are an important source of revenue for the government, as they reflect the … Read more

How Many Insurance Can You Have?

Hey there, my fellow insurance enthusiasts! Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that’s often shrouded in mystery: How many insurance can you have? Buckle up because I’m about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the labyrinth of policies and coverage. Picture this: Yours truly, a curious soul, armed with an ever-growing list … Read more

How Much Should You Save from Each Paycheck?

Expected salary

Introduction Embarking on your first job opens doors to new financial possibilities, but prudent money management is vital to secure a stable future. As a young individual in the USA, the question “How much should I save from each paycheck?” might be on your mind.   This article offers valuable guidance and actionable advice, tailored to … Read more


Systematic investment, quite popular among retail providers, provides one with a simplistic way to invest in mutual funds or stocks at fixed periods of time, at regular intervals.   You, as an investor can choose a monthly, quarterly or yearly plan, depending upon your needs and preferences.   The performance of the investments typically depends … Read more

10 Tips on Personal Finance for Young Independent Women

10 Tips on Personal Finance for Young Independent Women

Being a young independent woman comes with numerous opportunities and challenges, including managing your finances effectively.      By taking control of your financial well-being, you can build a secure future and achieve your goals.  In this blog post, we will discuss ten essential financial advice for young independent women to navigate their financial journey … Read more

Are layoffs effective immediately or on later date?

Are layoffs effective immediately or on later date

Depending on the terms and conditions of termination outlined in your employment contract, layoffs can either take immediate effect or be scheduled for a later date Companies decides the effective date based on x-factor’s involved such as economic condition, legal obligations, goodwill or sometime’s VC’s pressure. Let’s discuss some effective date during some lay-offs: Layoffs … Read more

How to Improve Credit Score with Credit Card

how to improve credit card score

Improving credit score with credit card, If you are planing to buy a  new house or car loan.  For any kind of loan, the most important ratio is credit card score; based on which any bank will decide the interest rate for loan. You might be surprised to know that you can improve your credit score … Read more