Personal Finance – Guidebook for Beginner

Personal Finance basics learning

Introduction Before we start, we all can agree on one thing that these concepts must have been thought to everyone during school learning. Nevertheless let’s start now  Personal Finance, basically means managing his/her own money or family money by an individual to build wealth. Before we understand personal finance more deeper, Let’s first see what all … Read more

How Many Insurance Can You Have?

Hey there, my fellow insurance enthusiasts! Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that’s often shrouded in mystery: How many insurance can you have? Buckle up because I’m about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the labyrinth of policies and coverage. Picture this: Yours truly, a curious soul, armed with an ever-growing list … Read more

How Much Should You Save from Each Paycheck?

Expected salary

Introduction Embarking on your first job opens doors to new financial possibilities, but prudent money management is vital to secure a stable future. As a young individual in the USA, the question “How much should I save from each paycheck?” might be on your mind.   This article offers valuable guidance and actionable advice, tailored to … Read more


Systematic investment, quite popular among retail providers, provides one with a simplistic way to invest in mutual funds or stocks at fixed periods of time, at regular intervals.   You, as an investor can choose a monthly, quarterly or yearly plan, depending upon your needs and preferences.   The performance of the investments typically depends … Read more

10 Tips on Personal Finance for Young Independent Women

10 Tips on Personal Finance for Young Independent Women

Being a young independent woman comes with numerous opportunities and challenges, including managing your finances effectively.      By taking control of your financial well-being, you can build a secure future and achieve your goals.  In this blog post, we will discuss ten essential financial advice for young independent women to navigate their financial journey … Read more

Best 5 Financial Goal Ideas – You Must Follow

finance goal ideas

Financial goal ideas can help you set your mark on the foundation of personal finance journey. Goals must be always achievable with present resource under the current environment otherwise it becomes dreams. financial dream is also good but for this article, we will strict our ideas to achievable financials goals. How to Set Financial Goal? … Read more

How to Save up first USD 10,000 in cash

How to Save USD 10000

Save up first USD 10,000 may look like Mount Everest at the glance, but as well know even Mt. Everest can be climbed but definitely the journey will be difficult to save the first USD 10,000. Obviously, the journey for each of you to save the money will be totally different as there will be … Read more

5 Must Have Digital Assets to put in your portfolio

top 5 digital assets

What’s Virtual Digital Assets? Virtual digital assets are assets that exist online, rather than in physical form. You can see them but not feel it, that’s why the word “Virtual Digital”. World is up-grading, so it is the time to upgrade our investment portfolio as well. For better foundation of personal finance, there is an … Read more
