The CTO Salary Spectrum: All You Must Know to Become CTO

The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a critical role in any organization, responsible for overseeing the strategy, development, and implementation of all technology related infrastructure and tasks.

The compensation for this role is highly dependent on various factors, including the size and business of the company, the responsibilities of the CTO, the availability of ESOPs, and other benefits.

In this article, we will explore these factors in detail, and how they determine the CTO’s salary.

Additionally, we will also discuss how the CTO’s salary compares with that of co-founders, CFOs, CMOs, and CTOs in non-tech companies.

How to become CTO

To become a CTO, a degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field is typically required.


However, some CTOs have degrees in business administration or engineering, and others have obtained relevant certifications or taken specialized courses to gain the necessary skills and knowledge.


In addition to a degree, the CTO must possess a wide range of technical, strategic, and leadership skills to be successful in the role. Some of the new-age skills that CTOs need to develop include:


  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – With the increased adoption of AI and ML in various industries, CTOs must possess a deep understanding of these technologies to be able to develop and implement effective strategies.


  1. Cloud Computing – As more companies move to the cloud, CTOs must have a good understanding of cloud technologies, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.


  1. Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity is a significant concern for companies today, and CTOs must be well-versed in the latest cybersecurity threats, technologies, and strategies.


  1. Big Data – CTOs must be able to analyze large amounts of data to gain insights and make informed decisions. They must be proficient in data analytics tools such as Hadoop, Spark, and Tableau.


  1. Agile and DevOps – CTOs must have experience in agile methodologies and DevOps to enable the development and delivery of software products rapidly.

X - Factors that Determine the CTO Salary

Size and Business of Company:

The size and business of the company play a significant role in determining the CTO’s salary. Larger organizations with a global presence and complex technology infrastructure typically require a highly experienced CTO, which may result in higher salaries.

Similarly, start-up companies may not be able to offer to that market rate comparison in initial years but may offer higher ESOP.

Responsibilities of the CTO:

The CTO’s responsibilities can vary widely depending on the organization’s size and structure.

In general, the CTO is responsible for the organization’s technology strategy, overseeing the development of new technology products, and ensuring that the company’s technology infrastructure is up-to-date and functioning correctly.

The more significant the responsibilities, the higher the CTO salary is likely to be.

ESOPs for CTOs:

ESOPs or Employee Stock Ownership Plans are a popular way for companies to incentivize their employees, including the CTO. ESOPs provide employees with an ownership stake in the company, which can result in a significant financial gain if the company’s value increases.

If a company offers ESOPs to its CTO, it may result in a lower base  CTO salary but provide a potentially substantial long-term financial benefit.


Other Benefits:

Additional benefits, such as health insurance, social security schemes (such as 401(k) plans in USA, Provident Fund in India), and other perks, can also impact the CTO’s salary.

In general, larger companies and those with a larger budget will offer more comprehensive benefits packages, which may result in a lower base salary.

CTO Salary vs. Co-Founder Salary

The CTO’s salary can be higher than that of a co-founder, as the CTO is responsible for overseeing the technology strategy and development of the company.


However, co-founders may have a higher equity stake in the company, which can provide significant long-term financial benefits.

CTO Salary vs. CFO/CIO/CMO Salary

The salaries of the CTO, CFO, CIO, and CMO can vary widely depending on the organization’s size and structure.


In general, the CFO’s salary is likely to be higher than that of the CTO, as the CFO is responsible for the company’s overall financial strategy.


The CMO’s salary may be lower than the CTO’s, as the CMO is responsible for the marketing strategy and not the technology strategy.


The CIO’s salary is likely to be similar to that of the CTO, as both roles are responsible for the technology strategy and implementation.

CTO Salary in Non-Tech Companies

CTOs are increasingly being hired in non-tech companies, particularly those in industries that are undergoing digital transformation.


The salary of a CTO in a non-tech company is likely to be lower than that of a CTO in a tech company. Obviously, because non-tech companies typically have a smaller technology budget and may not require a highly experienced CTO.

CTO Salary vs. Skills

The CTO’s salary is often determined by the skills and experience that they possess. A CTO with a broad range of technical skills and a strong track record of delivering successful technology projects is likely to command a higher salary than someone with fewer skills and experience.


Additionally, CTOs with expertise in emerging technologies such as AI, ML, and cloud computing are in high demand, and companies are willing to pay a premium for their services. Therefore, the more new-age skills a CTO possesses, the higher their salary is likely to be.


Minimum no of years of experience to become CTO

The minimum number of years of experience required to become a CTO in a non-startup company can vary depending on the organization and industry. Generally, companies prefer CTOs with at least 10-15 years of experience in a relevant technical field, such as software engineering, IT infrastructure, or data science.


However, some companies may consider CTO candidates with less experience if they possess exceptional technical and leadership skills or have a proven track record of delivering successful technology projects.


 It’s important to note that the CTO role is a senior leadership position, and candidates should have experience in managing large teams, developing and executing technology strategies, and working closely with other C-level executives.


In addition to years of experience, companies may also consider educational qualifications, certifications, and industry-specific knowledge when hiring a CTO.

How to find out the salary of a CTO in different companies

  1. Salary Databases: Some websites like Glassdoor,, and PayScale provide salary data for various job positions, including CTO. You can search for CTO salaries in different companies and filter the results by location, industry, and company size.


  1. Company Websites: Some companies may publicly disclose executive salaries on their websites or in their annual reports. You can check the company’s investor relations section to find out if they provide this information.


  1. Networking: You can reach out to your professional network and ask for information on CTO salaries in different companies. Your colleagues, mentors, or industry peers may have knowledge or insights on CTO salaries.


  1. Recruitment Agencies: Recruitment agencies or headhunting firms may have access to salary information for CTO positions in different companies. You can reach out to these agencies and request information on CTO salaries in the industries or locations you’re interested in.


  1. Industry Associations: Some industry associations may conduct salary surveys or provide data on executive salaries in their industries. You can check with the relevant associations in your industry to see if they provide this information.

How to become CTO of a company

Becoming a CTO of a company requires a combination of technical skills, leadership abilities, and experience.

Here are some steps you can take to become a CTO:


  1. Gain Technical Expertise: Start by pursuing a degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field. You should also gain hands-on experience in a technical role, such as a software developer, network engineer, or data scientist. This will help you develop the technical skills and knowledge necessary to become a CTO.


  1. Develop Leadership Skills: As a CTO, you’ll be responsible for managing a team of technical professionals and working closely with other executives. Therefore, it’s important to develop leadership skills such as communication, team building, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.


  1. Gain Experience: To become a CTO, you should have several years of experience in a technical role and management experience leading teams. You may also consider working as a director of engineering, chief architect, or other technical leadership positions to gain experience before pursuing the CTO role.


  1. Stay Current with Technology: The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and as a CTO, you’ll be responsible for developing and implementing technology strategies that align with business goals. Therefore, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and developments.


  1. Network and Build Relationships: Networking with industry peers and building relationships with other executives can help you learn about job opportunities and develop a strong reputation in the industry.


  1. Pursue Advanced Education: Pursuing an advanced degree in business administration or technology management can help you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a CTO.


  1. Apply for CTO Roles: Once you have the necessary skills and experience, start applying for CTO roles in companies that align with your career goals and interests.


In conclusion, becoming a CTO requires a combination of technical skills, leadership abilities, and experience. By pursuing a degree in a technical field, gaining hands-on experience, developing leadership skills, staying current with technology, and building relationships in the industry, you can position yourself for a successful career as a CTO.

As far as the CTO’s salary is considered it’s determined by x-factors, including the size and business of the company, the responsibilities of the CTO, experience and qualification of candidate, city, country, the availability of ESOPs, and other benefits. You should do your own research from several online websites for each company by city/country.
